Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rudbeckia Growing Tips From A T&M Customer

John H. e-mailed these photos, showing his success with our Rudbeckia seeds. The top photo is Cherokee Sunset, which he noted was re-blooming this year. Rudbeckia 'Cherry Brandy' (below) is also taking shape in his garden, so we asked how he got such wonderful blooms.

Cherry Brandy RudbeckiaJohn writes ....

"Cherry Brandy RudbeckiaLast year and this I started the seed in February under grow lights. The seedlings were transplanted a couple times into larger divided plastic grow pots--the last were about 3" .
When they were about 6" tall I started hardening them off in May, then planted them at the end of May. I've learned to plant them where my garden is dryer and not too damp. A number of 'Cherokee Sunset' started last year wintered over nicely and are full of blooms this year
I hope this year's 'Cherry Brandy' do the same."

1 comment:

  1. Apart from online order, where to find them in Florida?
