Anyway, when these beauties made their appearance in my backyard a few weeks ago, I couldn't help but photograph them.
In other gardening news, I had to say goodbye to 2 tomato plants. (Boo!) However, the remaining two plants (one Ramapo, one Heirloom Mortgage Lifter) are going strong in the EarthBox . (Yay!)
I suspect it was due to the cold temperatures we've been having in New Jersey the past few days. They were kept inside as long as I could, but in typical Spring weather fashion, we had a week of warm weather followed by a few days/nights of coolness. That's what I get for not covering them! Next time, break out the horticultural fleece.
My spinach seeds are starting to sprout, along with Garden Pea Meteor and the Morning Glories. I did notice my neighbor snipping off a bit from the mint and basil plants, but he let me borrow a wheel barrel last week. Let's chalk it up to neighborly good cheer, shall we?
Until next time - Happy Gardening!
PS. Be on the lookout for our post next week. We'll be blogging about seeds you can direct sow after your last frost date. (If you need to find when that is, check here.) We get calls & e mails from people quite often who are concerned their particular packet of seed shouldn't be planted right now because it isn't the right time. Don't fret - we'll provide a varied list of flowers & vegetable seeds !
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