Saturday, April 28, 2012

Best For Containers: Begonias

In a world brimming with color and beauty, where every passing day witnesses the introduction of newer varieties, it’s quite rare for a particular plant to retain its appeal for long. Begonia is one such rarity! This remarkable plant, with its flashy flowers and vibrant foliage comes from the family Begoniaceae and is a wonderful choice for containers and pots. Here’s some information on how you can grow begonia plants in containers.

When growing begonias from seed, sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the medium and mist the surface to help the seeds settle down. Use a plastic or glass sheet to cover the seeds and place them at a shaded spot. Begonia seeds can take up to 2 weeks to germinate. Move them to a bright spot and keep the medium moist at all times. If growth is slow, you can use a balanced fertilizer to feed the plants.

Once the seedlings are strong enough, move them to individual containers. Choose a pot or container with drainage holes at its bottom. If you’re using a pre used container, I’d recommend you sterilize it before planting begonias. Make sure to irrigate begonia seedlings deeply, immediately after planting.

Begonia plants can thrive in both sunny and partially shaded locations and can hence be utilized for hanging baskets, table decorum and other ornamental purposes. Irrigate the young plants on a regular basis. Once the plants establish, you only need water them when the soil feels dry to touch. Fertilize begonia plants once a month, with a standard liquid fertilizer. Potted begonias need to be kept clean in order to prevent diseases and insect build up. Cut off begonia flowers when they fade. Also, remove the dead leaves on a regular basis.

Growing begonias is a fairly simple process. These beauteous plants have a delightful presence, fit for every household and garden!

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