Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saying Goodbye to Summer

The signs an end to another summer have sprouted up - The kids are back to school and there's Halloween candy in the stores. You may not be as busy as you once were in the garden either. Now is a great time to take stock of what areas of your garden need a little boost.
Just take the time to take a quick look. It's so beneficial to note what worked (and what didn't) while jotting a few notes down. Once seed catalog time begins you'll be sitting at the kitchen table or browsing online, pouring over all the choices thinking to yourself ' Hmm, I wish I knew where I could add this.'

Another activity to do this time of year is to take a garden tour. The Garden Conservancy offers an Open Days program where you can visit (depending on where you live) some of the most beautiful private gardens around.

There are also All-America Selections display gardens in the US & Canada to visit. Choose from over 200 AAS gardens and see many award winning varieties up close & personal. When it comes time to buy seeds, you know exactly what AAS selections you'll want.

Our friends at have this great calendar of events page where you can check to see if there are any classes, lectures, farmers markets or tours happening in your area. Speaking of farmers markets, visit to search for farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area.

Finally, why not start your compost pile when leaves and yard clippings are everywhere? Don't let good compost material go to waste.

This convenient pop-up composter is easy to use. Just remove the lightweight carrying case, let it pop open and peg it to the ground. You'll be composting in minutes.

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