- Fill the container with a sterile seed starting mix and moisten it by adding water. Scatter impatiens seeds and press them gently so that they’re only just below the surface. Use a plastic sheet or lid to cover the container.
- Check the estimated last frost date for your region. You can start impatiens seeds 8-10 weeks from this date.
- Refer the details provided on the seed package for the right growing temperature for the seeds. Artificial lighting apparatus is the easiest means of making sure the seeds get the desired warmth. In case you wish to use direct sunlight, place the container near a window. Make sure you turn the container at regular intervals in order to allow all the seeds to benefit the heat.
- Check the seeds every day. Also, make sure the mix stays moist at all times. Seed germination normally takes about 10-14 days. Those living in cooler regions might have to wait a little longer.
- Once the seedlings develop 2-3 pairs of leaves, you can transplant them to individual containers. Fertilize regularly, using a standard, well balanced fertilizer.
- Hardening impatiens seedlings is an essential step in preparing the young plants for the outdoors. Start by placing the containers in a sheltered part of your garden for a couple of hours. Gradually increase the time they spend outdoors over a period of 7-10 days.
- Transplant impatiens only after all threat of frosts is over. In the mean time, you can clear the planting site and add good quantities of organic substances to the soil. Water the plants before removing them from their individual containers. This will loosen the roots and allow for easy transplantation.
- Leave a gap of 3-4 inches between adjacent plants and water thoroughly after planting.
Irrigate your plants regularly, especially during the first
couple of months after planting. Fertilize impatiens just before they bloom in
spring. That, and a little care is all you need
for growing impatiens!